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The Participant Dashboard is our user-friendly online portal. 

College of Direct Supports (Direct Course) and MN DHS Training.

See the latest happenings within MRCI CDS and read our newsletters.

Login to your online timesheets and access set up manuals. 

“我對CDCS感到非常緊張,因為這似乎是一項艱鉅的任務。從一開始就與MRCI合作,一切都非常順利,如此順利……我從來不需要等待超過24小時就能收到來自MRCI CDS。每當我打來電話或發送電子郵件時,您都會非常有幫助。”

Rachel-明尼蘇達州諾斯菲爾德-MRCI CDS家庭成員

Applied Self-Direction Member Logo


1961 Premier Drive,Suite 318

曼卡托,MN 56001

MRCI Client Directed Service's Logo

殘障人士或其他語言的人士可以通過其他方式獲得此信息,請致電507-386-5600在本地致電我們,或撥打800-829-7110免費電話,TTY用戶還可以通過明尼蘇達州接力電話711或(800)致電我們。 627-3529

Report perceived illegal or unethical activity to the Corporate Compliance line at 1(866)280-9928. 

245D Licensed Services, Financial Management Service (FMS), PCA Choice Agency, Minnesota DHS, Homemaker, CDCS, CSG, Individualized Home Supports, Host Home, Respite, Private Pay, Night Supervision, Veteran-Directed Care

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